TETRIS The multiple rejoicing. the nuances of gesture, of colour.
The magical fit. First comes the play, then comes the color. Here as well as there. Everywhere. without limits. Tetris: multiple elements that make up one scenario.
Ceramica Sant'Agostino
Via Statale, 247 - Località Sant'Agostino
44047 Terre del Reno (FE) - ITALY
T. +39 0532 844111
F. Italia +39 0532 846113
F. Export +39 0532 844209
Showroom Aziendale:
T. +39 0532-844109 showroom@ceramicasantagostino.it
Ceramica Sant'Agostino
Via Statale, 247 - Località Sant'Agostino
44047 Terre del Reno (FE) - ITALY
T. +39 0532 844111
F. Italia +39 0532 846113
F. Export +39 0532 844209
Showroom Aziendale:
T. +39 0532-844109 showroom@ceramicasantagostino.it
The magical fit. First comes the play, then comes the color. Here as well as there. Everywhere. without limits. Tetris: multiple elements that make up one scenario.