Ceramica Sant'Agostino
Via Statale, 247 - Località Sant'Agostino
44047 Terre del Reno (FE) - ITALY
T. +39 0532 844111
F. Italia +39 0532 846113
F. Export +39 0532 844209

Showroom Aziendale:
T. +39 0532-844109 showroom@ceramicasantagostino.it

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Ceramica Sant'Agostino
Via Statale, 247 - Località Sant'Agostino
44047 Terre del Reno (FE) - ITALY
T. +39 0532 844111
F. Italia +39 0532 846113
F. Export +39 0532 844209

Showroom Aziendale:
T. +39 0532-844109 showroom@ceramicasantagostino.it

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PRIMEWOOD Wood effect porcelain stoneware ceramic tiles


Rendering all the authenticity of wood in its maximum natural expression in porcelain, following Nordic, and especially Danish, tradition. Starting with rough pine, PRIMEWOOD softens veining, lightens knots and harmonises shades to obtain a lively, elegant material that reveals a love for wood, research into the most elegant design and respect for nature at first sight. Dedicated to those looking for refined elegance and discrete warmth in a domestic or public space, where man and nature live together.

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